19 Oct: Programmable biology in the test tube

Wednesday 19 October 2016, 10:00-16:00, Department Of Plant Sciences Downing Street, University of Cambridge, Cambridge.

  During the event, the OpenPlant Fund will launch a linked call for mini-grants to support interdisciplinary collaborations on the theme of in vitro synthetic biology.Synthetic gene circuits can be used to generate rapid and low-cost paper-based diagnostics for diseases including Zika and Ebola. Dr Vincent Noireaux (University of Minnesota), Dr Nick Rollins (Cambridge Consultants) and Dr Fernan Federici (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and University of Cambridge) present the technology and its disruptive implications during this seminar and hands-on prototyping workshop.


10:00 Practical Session 1 - Introduction to cell-free system and assay set-up

12:00 Open lunchtime seminars, Large Lecture Theatre

Keynote: 'Cell-free Synthetic Biology', Dr Vincent Noireaux (University of Minnesota)

XylemDx and paper-based diagnostics', Dr Nick Rollins (Cambridge Consultants)Further talks TBCQ&A panel session on challenges and opportunities for in vitro synthetic biologyLaunch of an OpenPlant Fund call for innovative, interdisciplinary and open technology projectsIntroduction to forthcoming opportunities from Global Challenge Research Funds 14:00 Practical Session 2 - analysis of assay results

Joining for the lunchtime seminars only

Please register through eventbrite for your free ticket! Lunch is not included but you are welcome to bring your own.

Register for lunchtime seminars only >>

Applying for the practical workshop

Places are limited to a maximum of 30 for the practical session so we ask that you apply giving a brief statement about your interests and background by midnight on Mon 10 Oct. Places will be confirmed on Wed 12 Oct.

These spaces include attendance at the lunchtime talks and a free lunch. Please sign up only if you intend to join for the whole day.

Apply now for the practical workshop >>

Deadline Mon 10 Oct 2016, confirmation of places on Wed 12 Oct 2016.